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Keep Your Event Running Smoothly 

Arrange for a generator rental in or around Reno, NV

Events like Burning Man and the Reno River Festival can’t operate without the necessary power. Luckily, we’re here to help you keep the show’s lights on. Amerigen Power Solutions provides generator rentals for customers in Reno, NV and the surrounding areas. Whether you need a generator for a concert or wedding, we’ve got you covered. Plus, depending on the event, we’ll send a technician to make sure everything operates efficiently. 


You can learn more about our rental generator contracts by reaching out to a member of our team now.

A black truck with a picture of a man on the side of it

What comes with our generator rental services?

At Amerigen Power Solutions, we pride ourselves on making generator rentals a breeze. When you rent a generator from us, you get: 


  • Short-term or long-term rentals 
  • Delivery and setup services 
  • Maintenance and support 


Is your golf tournament coming up? Make sure your tents have adequate power by booking a rental generator. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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